Streaming CDC events from Any Database to Greenplum Data Warehouse using RabbitMQ and Debezium


Real-time analytics and seamless data integration are crucial for making informed business decisions in today's data-driven world. Change Data Capture (CDC) is a fundamental technology to capture and propagate data changes from various databases in real time. This blog post will explore how to achieve real-time CDC from any database to the Greenplum data warehouse using RabbitMQ Streams and Debezium.

In this post, we will explore how Greenplum, an innovative and high-performance data warehouse for big data analytics and machine learning, can unleash the power of big data in real time. Additionally, we will delve into its advanced streaming capabilities that enable real-time data ingestion, processing, and analytics.

We will walk through the technical configuration and step-by-step instructions to set up this data pipeline.

Understanding Change Data Capture (CDC)

Change Data Capture is a technique used to capture and record changes made to a database, allowing applications to respond quickly to those changes. It tracks insert, update, and delete operations on database tables and transforms them into events. Downstream systems can then ingest this event stream for various purposes, including real-time analytics, data warehousing, and data integration.

Introducing RabbitMQ (Streaming Events through RabbitMQ)

RabbitMQ is a widely adopted message broker that facilitates the reliable exchange of messages between applications.

Last year, streams were introduced, and today, RabbitMQ can be used to support many use cases, whether as a message broker, for message streams, or doing both in unison. It supports multiple messaging protocols and communication patterns, making it an ideal choice for streaming data from various sources to a destination like Greenplum.

Using the RabbitMQ streaming layer, we can decouple the data source from the data warehouse, ensuring better scalability, reliability, and fault tolerance.

Leveraging Debezium for Change Data Capture

Debezium is an open-source platform that specialises in CDC for databases. It supports various database management systems, including DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Oracle, and SQL Server.

Debezium captures row-level changes from database transaction logs and transforms them into a CDC event stream. It also ensures data integrity and consistency during the capture process.

Greenplum Streaming Capabilities

Greenplum, a PostgreSQL-based massively parallel processing (MPP) data warehouse, offers a powerful streaming capability that enables real-time data ingestion from external sources.

With Greenplum Streaming Server (GPSS), organisations can efficiently process data streams and integrate them directly into the Greenplum database.

In our real-time CDC setup, GPSS plays a vital role in ingesting the data from RabbitMQ, as captured by Debezium, and populating CDC events to tables in Greenplum to INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE records.

As an integral part of Greenplum’s ecosystem, GPSS delivers unmatched streaming capabilities that streamline data pipelines and supercharge analytical insights. It can handle massive volumes of streaming data with exceptional scalability (proven with 10 million events per second with more than 500 Billion rows per day in a Multi-Trillion Greenplum Database and Running Analytics and ML on top of this Database).

Real-time CDC from Any Database to Greenplum data warehouse

As a source database, we will use PostgreSQL and enable real-time CDC to Greenplum; the following components are used in the configuration:

  • PostgreSQL 15 database
  • Debezium Server 2.4
  • RabbitMQ 3.12.2
  • Greenplum 6.24 ( + Greenplum Streaming Server 1.10.1)

To facilitate the execution of this demo, all components will be deployed using docker-compose:

version: "3.9"  
      - rabbitmq  
    privileged: true  
    entrypoint: /usr/lib/systemd/systemd  
      - 5433:5432  
      - ${PWD}/greenplum-db-6.24.0-rhel8-x86\_64.rpm:/home/gpadmin/greenplum-db-6.24.0-rhel8-x86\_64.rpm  
      - ${PWD}/gpss-gpdb6-1.10.1-rhel8-x86\_64.gppkg:/home/gpadmin/gpss-gpdb6-1.10.1-rhel8-x86\_64.gppkg  
      - ${PWD}/script\\  
    image: rabbitmq:3-management-alpine  
    container\_name: rabbitmq  
      - 5672:5672  
      - 15672:15672  
      - 5552:5552  
    container\_name: postgres  
      - 5432:5432  
      - POSTGRES\_USER=postgres  
      - POSTGRES\_PASSWORD=postgres  
    container\_name: debezium-server  
      - 8080:8080  
      - ./conf:/debezium/conf  
      - rabbitmq  
      - gpdb  
      - postgres

The main configuration file for Debezium is conf/


As you can see, we’re using Debezium to stream CDC events from a PostgreSQL table called inventory.customers to our RabbitMQ cluster.

Deploy PostgreSQL database:

Run the following Docker command to install & deploy a preconfigured PostgreSQL container:

docker compose up postgres -d

You can now connect to the database and explore the table we’re using to stream CDC events:

$ docker-compose exec postgres env PGOPTIONS="--search\_path=inventory" bash -c 'psql -U $POSTGRES\_USER postgres -c "SELECT \* FROM customers;"'  
  id  | first\_name | last\_name |         email  
 1001 | Sally      | Thomas    |  
 1002 | George     | Bailey    |  
 1003 | Edward     | Walker    |  
 1004 | Anne       | Kretchmar |  
(4 rows)

Setup & Configure RabbitMQ:

To deploy our RabbitMQ cluster, we’ll use the same docker compose command as below:

docker compose up rabbitmq -d

Once you have deployed RabbitMQ using Docker Compose, you can configure it to suit your needs.

RabbitMQ provides a web-based management interface that you can use to configure various aspects of the RabbitMQ server.

To access the management interface, open a web browser and navigate to the IP address or domain name of your RabbitMQ instance, followed by the management port number (by default, 15672). In this example, you can access the management interface by navigating to http://localhost:15672

Once you have accessed the management interface, you can log in with the default credentials (root/root) or with the username and password specified in the Docker Compose file.

From the management interface, you should create the following:

  • A new RabbitMQ Exchange called tutorial.inventory.customers
  • A new RabbitMQ Stream called inventory.customersand bind it to the tutorial.inventory.customers exchange using the routingKey inventory_customers

Setup & Configure Debezium Server:

At this point, our PostgreSQL and RabbitMQ containers are running, but we haven’t started our Debezium Server yet. To do so, we will run the following:

docker compose up debezium-server -d

Once done, you should see a new open connection to the RabbitMQ cluster:

You should also see new messages in the RabbitMQ Stream ready to be consumed:

Setup Greenplum to ingest real-time CDC events:

To enable real-time CDC from RabbitMQ to Greenplum, we have a Greenplum 6.24 instance, pre-configured with Greenplum Streaming Server 1.10.1:

Firstly, we need to deploy the Greenplum container:

docker compose up gpdb -d

Once done, we should now create a customers table to load CDC events:

$ docker compose exec -ti gpdb bash  
$ su - gpadmin  
$ psql postgres -c 'CREATE TABLE public.customers (id INT, first\_name TEXT, last\_name TEXT, email TEXT) DISTRIBUTED BY (id);'

GPSS or Greenplum Streaming Server efficiently consumes and processes data streams streaming from Kafka and RabbitMQ (from a RabbitMQ queue or a RabbitMQ stream) into Greenplum Database.

It provides a flexible, scalable architecture that enables high-throughput data ingestion with minimal latency. GPSS is designed to handle various data formats, including TEXT, CSV, JSON, Avro, and more, making it well-suited for real-time CDC scenarios.

To start loading CDC events from RabbitMQ Stream, we should start our GPSS process using the following:

nohup gpss & 

Then, create our GPSS job with the configuration below:

DATABASE: postgres  
USER: gpadmin  
HOST: localhost  
PORT: 5432  
      SERVER: root:root@rabbitmq:5552  
      STREAM: inventory.customers  
      VIRTUALHOST: vhost  
        - NAME: j  
          TYPE: json  
      FORMAT: json  
    ERROR\_LIMIT: 25  
      TABLE: customers  
      MODE: MERGE  
        - id  
      DELETE\_CONDITION: ((j->>'payload')::json->>'op')='d'  
           - NAME: id  
             EXPRESSION: CASE WHEN ((j->>'payload')::json->>'op')='d' THEN (((j->>'payload')::json->>'before')::json->>'id')::int ELSE (((j->>'payload')::json->>'after')::json->>'id')::int END  
           - NAME: first\_name  
             EXPRESSION: CASE WHEN ((j->>'payload')::json->>'op')='d' THEN (((j->>'payload')::json->>'before')::json->>'first\_name')::text ELSE (((j->>'payload')::json->>'after')::json->>'first\_name')::text END  
           - NAME: last\_name  
             EXPRESSION: CASE WHEN ((j->>'payload')::json->>'op')='d' THEN (((j->>'payload')::json->>'before')::json->>'last\_name')::text ELSE (((j->>'payload')::json->>'after')::json->>'last\_name')::text END  
           - NAME: email  
             EXPRESSION: CASE WHEN ((j->>'payload')::json->>'op')='d' THEN (((j->>'payload')::json->>'before')::json->>'email')::text ELSE (((j->>'payload')::json->>'after')::json->>'email')::text END

Submit the GPSS job configuration:

$ gpsscli submit gpss\_job.yaml

Start the GPSS job to begin capturing and processing data from RabbitMQ Stream:

$ gpsscli start gpss\_job

Once started, you should now see customers job running:

\[gpadmin@df7ac82e5633 ~\]$ gpsscli list  
JobName                             JobID                               GPHost          GPPort  DataBase        Schema          Table                           Topic           Status  
gpss\_job                            7f40703e01734ad570c31b028fdfc615    localhost       5432    postgres        public          customers                                       JOB\_RUNNING

Insert data into the PostgreSQL customers table:

You should now see some data (4 records) coming into the Greenplum table, and you can also generate many CDC events by running INSERT/UPDATE or DELETEs on the source database.

Let’s insert some data dynamically:

INSERT INTO customers (id, first\_name, last\_name, email)  
SELECT i,   
'First\_' || i,  
'Last\_' || i,  
'first' || i || '.last' || i || '' AS email  
FROM generate\_series(1010, 1000004) AS i;

Real-time CDC data being applied on Greenplum:

  • After executing the INSERT INTO command, the CDC events are promptly applied to the Greenplum customers table in real time.
  • On the other hand, you can UPDATE a record on the PostgreSQL source database:

As a result of this process, you can observe that the UPDATE event has been successfully applied on the Greenplum side, ensuring data consistency and synchronisation.


Greenplum’s streaming capabilities, RabbitMQ Streams and Debezium together, form a robust and efficient real-time CDC pipeline from any database to Greenplum.

This setup empowers organisations to harness the power of real-time data analytics, making informed decisions based on the latest data insights. By leveraging Greenplum’s streaming capability, businesses can gain a competitive edge in today’s data-driven landscape.


This blog post was co-written with my colleague: Martin Visser

📝 References :

  1. Open-source Greenplum data warehouse:
  2. VMware Greenplum data warehouse:
  3. Greenplum Streaming Server:
  4. RabbitMQ:
  5. Debezium:

Thanks for reading! Any comments or suggestions are welcome! Check out other Greenplum articles here.

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